Build Your Disciple-Making Training Center.
The landscape of life and ministry has changed. 20 years ago, the biggest problem in the church was photocopied vision. Every leader wanted to be the next Rick Warren, Craig Groschel, or Andy Stanley. Today we have a different problem...
Studies show that 9 out of 10 pastors have no plan for discipleship. If that's the mission and we have no intentional plan for it, then we are failing the church as leaders.
A big vision
Recapture God's heart for the nations while equipping and inspiring your people to take up the call!
a clear pathway
Develop a simple, yet profound strategy to lead your church by truly training disciple-makers.
simple tools
Train leaders in simple, reproducible tools that anyone can use. From ages six to ninety-six, sharing the Gospel, our story, and training others should be accessible.
We've tried making disciples through osmosis... it doesn't really work. We need a plan. The Pivvot Process is an innovative journey that delivers solutions for real disciple-making growth based on a church’s unique DNA.

In 2008, the Church Unique process was designed to help leaders stop photocopying vision. That was our biggest problem. Everyone wanted to be the next big-name pastor.
Today, one of the biggest problems leaders face in ministry is shifting from being just a teaching center to becoming a disciple-making training center.
Someone once said that "the Reformation was needed to get the Bible into the hands of the people. We need a second 'Reformation' to convince us to place the work of the ministry into the hands of the people."

"Your harvest is in direct relation to the amount of seeds that you sew!"
Josh Howard
Future Church
Church growth models have often been long on promises and short on disciple-making. We continue to watch consistent church attendance shrink, and our desire to reach the lost is infected with a need for self-validation by growing our numbers at any cost. If we believe that God wants his church to grow, where do we go from here? What is the future of the church?
Drawing from his 20 years and 15,000 hours of consulting, author Will Mancini shares with pastors and ministry leaders the single most important insight he has learned about church growth. With plenty of salient stories and based solidly on the disciple-making methods found in Scripture, Future Church exposes the church's greatest challenge today, and offers 7 transforming laws of real church growth so that we can faithfully and joyfully fulfill Jesus's Great Commission.